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Just Give Me A Canvas

Writer: CallyCally

I've been confused about a lot of things in my life, but I've been fortunate enough to always know exactly who I am. I have and always will be, an artist..

I like to take a photo from time to time to look back on and remember what my life looked like. It's a nice reminder to appreciate the journey and remind me how grateful I should be. I honestly still count my lucky stars for where I am today, as the 17 year old me who had nowhere to live could never have imagined the life I currently have.

Below I'm sat in my home studio, which as you can see is getting more crowded with art supplies by the day. The reason I want to remember this moment is because I've recently hit a huge milestone in my career as an artist.

If you've followed my journey for the past twelve months, you'll be aware that I re-discovered my love for painting on canvas last year. I've been painting every day since (as I have nothing else to do) and thankfully, the lessons I've learnt from creating content and selling prints for the past 5 years have allowed me to do the same with my original paintings.

But this time it feels different.

When I began my journey creating original paintings, I did so because I wanted to create something that is real, instead of just a digital image on a screen. I wanted to feel the paint once it was dry and know that I have built each layer up with hours of patience and skill to create something that can potentially live longer than I do. I wanted to build something that would last longer than my iPad, something to be remembered by.

As my paintings began to find their way to my beautiful collectors, I understood that each of them would understand that same sentiment. Collecting art is just personal as creating art.

I had initially hoped to sell a few paintings each year and wondered if I'd have finished paintings piled up in the house that would never sell, but fortunately the opposite has happened. As of last week, I don't have a single painting that hasn't sold. In the past two weeks, three of my paintings have been bought by three incredible people who have decided to invest in my work and invest in me as an artist, and I don't know how to show my gratitude enough. These sales, to me, have been life changing, and left me in a position I never ever thought I would be in.

However, what I have learnt this month is what I already knew a long time ago, something that I tried to tell myself wasn't possible for over a decade. And that is that I was born an artist. Despite the circumstances in my early adult life leading me to take any job just to be able to survive, I always knew I'd find my way back.

And whatever success I might see or not see going forward, no matter how much money I may earn or what house I live in, you'll always find me in the smallest corner doing what I was meant to do, painting.

So the journey continues. I want to thank you all once again for the support you have given me by watching and engaging with my content online over the past year. Without you, none of this would be possible.

Much love.




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